The building for Gigi’s Closet was gifted by Joe and Charlotte Geary’s children, Kelley Burks, Kathie Vaughan, Mike Geary and Colleen Patton. Charlotte was lovingly called “Gigi” by her grandchildren, hence Gigi’s Closet!
Thank you for making
Gigi’s Closet a reality!

Foster children, most often, are removed from their home, family and friends abruptly and without notice. The children are typically removed without their clothing and other items of comfort. Geary Foster Foundations realizes the immense pressure felt by foster parents to provide the necessary resources to give the child a sense of security and normalcy. Gigi’s Closet is a free resource for foster parents which provides them the opportunity to quickly obtain essential items necessary to help the child transition into their new surroundings. Our shelves are filled with clothing, books, backpacks, toys, shoes, etc. for all ages.
Geary Foster Foundations has a mission to provide homes that are built on strong foundations where foster parents and mentors encourage strength, value, and self-worth for each foster child that enters its walls as a refuge. Each child will be supported and provided a respectful environment for healing where they will have the opportunity to safely grow and become productive members of society.
Thank you to our PARTNERS for contributing to our third home!

The need for foster care is tremendous and growing. Geary Foster Foundations will provide assistance to children from all over Texas. The ranch is located in Grayson County, 1 of 19 counties in Region 3 of the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS).
According to DFPS statistics (Data Book, 2021), the total number of children placed in foster care, in Region 3 as of March 2021, totaled 3443 with 58.9% of those children being placed out of their counties.
These statistics prove there is a shortage of foster homes in Texas, and the need for foster homes far exceeds the availability. Geary Foster Foundations will provide a partial solution to this enormous problem within the foster care system.
Geary Foster Foundations is not a foster care agency. Each foster family who lives within our community must be licensed through a child placement agency. The child placement agency serves the children by recruiting, training, and licensing the parents while Geary Foster Foundations supports the families as they provide therapeutic services.
We are building homes to build lives because we believe every child deserves a safe home!